Here’s the letter I sent to a few special folks today:
I would so love for you to share your ideas, insights, and creativity for this new ministry in the works . . .
I hope you already know that I LOVE helping Christians strengthen their faith as they learn how to soak every part of their lives in the truth and power of God’s Word and His ways. I received this call back in 2007 and I’m forever thankful.
On Tuesday, I hosted a live online teaching session. The subject was about truly receiving God’s love and living from the person He created you to be rather than the false personality so many of us form as we try to meet other people’s expectations or as we try to fit in and feel accepted or as we try to feel “good enough.”
My heart broke as I heard the sad stories from so many women and men who told me they don’t know how to discover their real selves. They don’t feel worthy of God’s love. Or they don’t know how to unpack all the lies that have shaped their lives up to now.
And I know for sure that this isn’t an isolated few! It’s pervasive and keeping countless people from living powerful lives of joy, trust and faith.
So here’s what this has all moved me to do . . .
I know that the best way to help people experience deep and lifelong transformation is through ongoing, month after month, support and encouragement. Otherwise, folks get started and then get distracted and stop their growth and their transformation.
So, I’m planning on launching a Christ-centered, faith-charged, results-oriented monthly membership program. I see it as a “higher learning center” to help Christian women and men discover their true identity and then learn how to live in faith through the transformation that is available to each of God’s children. I’ll be launching it on Saturday, June 1st and I can’t wait to get started!
Every month we’ll focus on key areas of our lives:
- Explore the power of love, belonging, and truly “being enough” because of the masterpiece God created when He made you.
- Learn how to let go of comparing yourself to others, and instead live from the center of your true identity.
- Discover how to let go of scarcity as you step into the abundant way of living that Jesus offers to those who follow Him.
- Find your way “out of the rat race” as you walk in the Spirit, delight in the Lord, and receive from Him the true desires of your heart.
- Plus, you’ll learn how to discover the unique purpose God has for you and how you can share your gifts and His light to your loved ones, friends, and others.
- And so much more . . .
Getting all this set up and organized is a lot of work and a significant investment. But that’s how strong my commitment is to help you and others live an on-fire, faith-driven life of confidence, stability, trust, and joy. I know without a doubt that all the work I’m doing now will help me serve you even better.
So today only, if you’re a believer who wants to learn how to soar in your faith, I’m inviting you to join me on this journey and become a Founding Member.
I’m offering a limited number of lifetime spots into my membership program for just $19 a month. Your dues will never go up! Plus, you can end your membership any time you want. There’s no contract or ongoing obligation (obviously my intention is to make the program so valuable that you’ll never want to leave).
This means that you’ll get to be a member for the life of the membership program without ever paying a higher monthly fee like everyone else. Your joining me now as a Founding Members will help me offset some of the start-up costs. Plus, you’ll get to play a big part in helping name the program, plan lesson subjects that are important to you and other members in the community, and pray for me!!! In a highly valued way, I want you and the other Founding Members to be trusted inner circle friends as part of my support team!
But here’s the catch . . . I’m only offering this today, and I’ll never offer the Founding Member option for this program again.
I’ve set a date for opening the completed membership in just a few weeks – Saturday, June 1st.
As a Founding Member, between now and then, I’ll be in touch with you several days a week, asking for your input and offering updates and behind the scenes looks into the implementation. I’ll also give you some early-bird lessons (and a bonus course – more on that in a minute) so you can grow in your personal faith-growth journey while I’m getting everything in place.
Remember, the site is “under construction,” and won’t be fully available until Saturday, June 1st. If everything goes as planned, I expect to grant you early access. I have to see how it all comes together!
Also, if you join me in the next 24 hours and become a Founding Member I’ll give you immediate enrollment to Change – the Key to Your Forever Success, which is a seven-module online course valued at $97. The course will help you discover more about you, what you really want, and how to get out of confusion and focus on the true desires of your heart.
So, if you’d like to join me, then click on the button below within the next 24 hours and you’ll be in. You’ll be immediately enrolled in the Change bonus course. Plus, I’ll send you a confirmation of your status as a Founding Member.
I am so very thankful for your support, and I can’t wait to have you with me as a Founding Member in this journey!
Our God is so very good. And I’m confident that He is leading me into this part of my work for Him. He’s called me to come alongside His precious people as a teacher, mentor, and “how-to” guide. He values you so very much and wants you to be happy, fulfilled, successful, and a powerful and bright light for Him! Let’s do this together!
Be blessed, dear one. And thank you so much for considering this partnership with me.
Susan Gregory
Click the Button Below to Join Susan and Become a Founding Member