Faith Driven Life

Live Your Life from the Truth of God’s Word

Free Access to Susan’s Scripture Meditation Guide

Learn how to implant God’s Word into your heart and soul so His truth can transform your life.

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A Little About Susan Gregory and Faith Driven Life

Faith Driven Life is a ministry founded and led by me, Susan Gregory, and our mission is to help committed followers of Jesus Christ to lead lives that are so amazingly successful and loving that those in your circles of influence want what you have, which is Christ in you! We are all about “how to” so you have practical and useful teachings and tools so you can integrate your faith into every part of your life.

Do you ever feel like you can’t connect with God? Does your life need some fine-tuning or even some major transformation to reach the level of success you desire? Are there times when you struggle with prayer? Or do you wonder if God even hears you? Do you know in your “heart of hearts” that you could live a better and more powerful life? 

Then you’re in the right place. Let us show you “how to” light your faith on fire with Bible-centered teachings and tools that will revolutionize your faith and bring glory to God through your faith-driven life! Click HERE to learn more about Faith Driven Life.

Priceless Man of God! Do you realize how amazing you are? Your Creator has implanted seeds of greatness in you. He has absolute confidence that you can be all He wants you to be. And He wants to come alongside you to fulfill that call of greatness. Open your heart to God and let Him do for you what only He can do. And then, take action and do the very best at what only you can do. Enter into your well-lived, faith-driven life. Be the man, man! He’s calling you!

Dear Woman of God! You are a treasure. Your Father has planted in your heart gifts of compassion, empathy, intellect, and resourcefulness. You are unique. You are special. You are precious. Your Creator made you that way and He longs for you to discover your immeasurable value. Open your heart to Him. Let Him demonstrate His vast love for you. And let Him lead you into the confidence, assurance, and stability you can have in Him to release your gifts to others and be the amazing woman He created you to be.

Here’s to you, Seeker of Truth and Wisdom! You were masterfully made in the image and likeness of God. Think of that! You have the spiritual DNA of the Creator flowing through every cell of your being! You have untapped abilities. Undiscovered talents. Unearthed intellect and skills. All await you. Use your spirit of adventure and your drive for understanding to realize the marvelous person God created you to be. Be You! Become the real You! And unleash your light to shine brightly so others can learn the Source of your Light, the life of Christ in you.

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Presented by Susan Gregory

The Joshua Plan

God has already provided all the guidance, direction, insights, encouragement, and power you need to live an above and not beneath life. To be a leader, a success, and a shining example of a life well-lived. He only asks you to follow the same formula for success that He gave to Joshua.   Learn More

Choose Life Now

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The Path

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Giving Forgiveness

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End the Overwhelm

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Live in the Spirit

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By Susan Gregory

The Daniel Fast

The bestselling go-to guide to help you have a successful fasting experience. Learn about the fast, how to prepare, how to focus, and how to connect with God. Includes all the recipes you need, plus a 21-day Daniel Fast devotional. Learn more

The Daniel Fast for Weight Loss

If you’re tired of chasing the latest diet fad only to find that you’ve gained weight, it’s time to try an entirely different approach. The Daniel Fast for Weight Loss succeeds where other programs fail because it focuses on your relationship  Learn more

The Daniel Cure

The Daniel Cure helps readers focus on the health benefits of the Daniel Fast. By following the advice in this book, readers convert the Daniel Fast from a once-a-year spiritual discipline into a new way of life that can begin any time  Learn more

The Daniel Fast for Lent

Bestselling author Susan Gregory shares Bible truths, thought-provoking devotions and personal insights in this daily devotional created especially for men, women, churches and study groups who are fasting for Lent and other periods of extended fasting and prayer. Learn more

Free Access to Susan’s Scripture Meditation Guide

Learn how to implant God’s Word into your heart and soul so His truth can transform your life.

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