You Are Gods Favorite

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Five Favorite Christian Books

Five Favorite Christian Books

Are you seeking spiritual nourishment and growth in your faith journey? Look no further! In this blog post, I'm thrilled to share my personal top five Christian books that have profoundly impacted my life. These books delve into various aspects of Christian living,...

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You Are Gods Favorite

You Are Gods Favorite

As a Christian, it’s essential to understand that you are not just an ordinary person. You are God's special and chosen people. The Bible teaches that God has a unique plan for your life, and you walk in His favor. Through Christ's sacrifice on the cross, you can...

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Five Loving Ways to Keep Christ in Christmas

Five Loving Ways to Keep Christ in Christmas

The Christmas season is one of my very favorite times of the year. Folks seem to be in happier moods. Houses in my little town are all adorned with lights and decorations. Lots of fun gatherings and also creative events (I just made a Christmas gnome out of clay and created fused glass ornaments a week ago).

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Simple Tips for Big Results

Simple Tips for Big Results

Simple Tips for Big ResultsWe've already talked about how important it is to have Christ as the foundation of all we do. We want to start with Him! And not just ask Him to join us in ways we've already started!Then, as we open our hearts to Him to help us make the...

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Why I Always Have a Box of Chocolates in My Cupboard

Why I Always Have a Box of Chocolates in My Cupboard

You’ve probably heard a lot about the horrors of sugar consumption among people of all ages. It’s sprinkled around the media and the subject is really something that deserves our attention. Why? Because we’ve moved way past the danger zone and we’re headed to the...

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Eat This Way and Never Diet Again

Eat This Way and Never Diet Again

Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its...

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Five Steps to End the Overwhelm

Five Steps to End the Overwhelm

Do you ever feel as if your mind is swirling in 20 different directions? You have a tough time concentrating. And you often think, “This is all too overwhelming.”In today’s technological culture, which is supposed to be so easy and help us operate better and more...

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About me

I am so all about living a great life! Why? Because that’s God’s desire for me and it’s my desire for me, too. Let’s get radical and be the happy, on fire, successful women and men our Father wants us to be!

Susan Gregory


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