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As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

1 Peter 4:10

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Faith Development

Your faith is like a muscle. If you want it to be strong, capable, and useful, you need to develop your faith. You do that by learning and gaining an understanding of God’s Word and the startling truths that are there for you. Your faith is the essential key to open the flow of God’s blessings in your life. If your life isn’t what you want it to be, start developing your faith and expect great goodness and joy in your days. 

Christian Living

“Wow! That’s out of this world!” That’s a typical exclamation when someone describes a highly above average situation, event, or lifestyle. And do you know Christ has that lifestyle for you? If you’re saying, ‘no’ then you’re not alone. Most Christians don’t live the over-the-top, out-of-this-world, more-than-enough lifestyle Christ gained for every one of His followers. Your great life awaits you! You just need to go for it!


News Flash! If you want a change in your life, you need to change! As crazy as that sounds, it’s even crazier to witness most people staying stuck in mediocrity, wanting better and more, and yet not stepping out and deciding to do what it takes to have a superior life! A life with Christ is all about change. He calls us to grow. To be love. To forgive. To be His example. He calls us to change and be more like Him. Are you ready for a change? 

Daniel Fast

Susan Gregory, the Founder of Faith Driven Life, is considered the Daniel Fast Expert. She began teaching about the Daniel Fast in 2007, wrote the bestselling “go-to-guide” about the Daniel Fast, and teaches extensively about this method of spiritual fasting. You can check out companion site at to learn more about how to enter into a powerful time of extended prayer and fasting and receive the many gifts your Father has for you. 

Free Access to Susan’s Scripture Meditation Guide

Learn how to implant God’s Word into your heart and soul so His truth can transform your life.