Easter at Home
Celebrate with and for Jesus
And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.”
Luke 22:19
Prepare the Bread and the Wine
The elements we use to celebrate the Last Supper with and for our Lord are bread and wine. The bread represents Christ’s body and the wine represents His blood.
The Bread: you can either prepare special leavened or unleavened bread, or you can use what you have available in your home. You can use typical bread or crackers. Remember, as soon as you establish that this is the bread you will use for communion, it becomes special in your heart. No longer is the bread that of “toast” or a “sandwich.” Now it’s representing the body of your Lord Jesus who gave His life for you so you could enter into a full and abiding relationship with God.
If you are sharing the Last Supper with others, plan for how the bread will be consumed. You can either break the bread into bite-sized pieces or allow each participant to break off the bite of bread from the shared portion.
The Wine: You can use wine or juice to represent the blood of Jesus Christ. Again, remember that as soon as you consecrate the liquid for the use of communion, it become special to your heart. The wine or juice becomes sacred for a holy purpose, which is to acknowledge the priceless sacrifice of Jesus as He shed His blood for anyone who believes in Him.
You can serve the wine in single portions by pouring a small amount into small glasses. Or you can use a common cup and each person can take a sip from the cup or chalice.
The Service
Celebrating the Lord’s Supper is a sacred, sober and deeply spiritual experience. However, it’s also very joyful. During the service we reflect on the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. We think about the the sacrifice He gave so we could be reconciled and allowed to enter into a full and beautiful relationship with our Creator and God.
Begin the service with a heartfelt and sincere prayer. Acknowledge the sacrifice of your Lord. And then speak with encouragement for the immeasurable love God has for people throughout the world, including each member celebrating the service with you.
Readings: You can read the passages or ask others with you to share in the readings. Mark each of the chosen readings in your Bible so you can access them easily. Consider reading 1 Corinthians 10:16. Also, 1 Corinthians 11:23-30 and John 6:32-58.
Eating the Bread
Begin this part of communion with reading Matthew 26:26-30 and 1 Corinthians 10:16-17. Keep in mind that the bread represents the body of Christ, the Bread of Life. Because of His body, broken for us, we live. We can abide in Christ. He lives in us. He makes possible our eternal life with Almighty God.
Give thanks for the bread and ask God to bless it as a symbol of Christ’s body given for us. Thank Christ in your own words and allow others to thank Him in their own ways. Then each person consumes the bread.
Drinking the Wine
Read and invite others to read aloud these passages from God’s Word: Matthew 26:27-28, Hebrews 9:11-15, 1 John 1:7, Ephesians 1:7 and Colossians 1:19-22.
Give thanks for the wine, asking God to bless it as a symbol of Christ’s precious blood, shed for the remission of sins. Thank God the Father for the sacrifice of His only Son. Thank Jesus for becoming sin for us so that we could be reconciled with our Father. After the prayers of thanksgiving, each person can drink from the wine.
As you conclude the service, consider reading John 13:18 through John 17 and 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. Finalize your service by reading Psalm 1:1-3.
Consume the remainder of the bread and wine as it’s been blessed by the Father as the symbols of the body and blood of His Son Jesus. Thank each person for their part and honor one another as God’s precious children.
Faith Development
Your faith is like a muscle. If you want it to be strong, capable, and useful, you need to develop your faith. You do that by learning and gaining an understanding of God’s Word and the startling truths that are there for you. Your faith is the essential key to open the flow of God’s blessings in your life. If your life isn’t what you want it to be, start developing your faith and expect great goodness and joy in your days.
Christian Living
“Wow! That’s out of this world!” That’s a typical exclamation when someone describes a highly above average situation, event, or lifestyle. And do you know Christ has that lifestyle for you? If you’re saying, ‘no’ then you’re not alone. Most Christians don’t live the over-the-top, out-of-this-world, more-than-enough lifestyle Christ gained for every one of His followers. Your great life awaits you! You just need to go for it!
News Flash! If you want a change in your life, you need to change! As crazy as that sounds, it’s even crazier to witness most people staying stuck in mediocrity, wanting better and more, and yet not stepping out and deciding to do what it takes to have a superior life! A life with Christ is all about change. He calls us to grow. To be love. To forgive. To be His example. He calls us to change and be more like Him. Are you ready for a change?
Daniel Fast
Susan Gregory, the Founder of Faith Driven Life, is considered the Daniel Fast Expert. She began teaching about the Daniel Fast in 2007, wrote the bestselling “go-to-guide” about the Daniel Fast, and teaches extensively about this method of spiritual fasting. You can check out companion site at Daniel-Fast.com to learn more about how to enter into a powerful time of extended prayer and fasting and receive the many gifts your Father has for you.
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Your life in Christ overflows with treasure chests full of blessings. Right now, even as you read these words, He is offering you peace, joy, love, and a happy fulfilled life. And if you’re not experiencing these blessings in your faith, then you haven’t dug deep enough.
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Susan Gregory leads each course and teaches with a style that is motivating and encouraging. While Susan is known for breaking down complicated matters into easy-to-understand
In the courses, you’ll find in our Faith Driven Life Academy, Susan Gregory shares easy to understand, life-changing lessons with clear how-to paths that take you to success. If you’re ready to grow in faith, step out of mediocrity, and live a life that is bursting with success, accomplishment, joy, and fulfillment, then check out our courses.
Susan’s teachings are all grounded in the foundation of God’s Word. You will experience transformation as your mind is filled with Christ’s truth and the opportunities you have to reside in the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
The keys to entering into a joyful and confident life with Christ are not a secret. They are not mysterious. Instead, they are simple. Yet, few Christians have learned about the deep principles of faith and even fewer practice them!
So what about you? What do you want for your faith life? Are you satisfied where you are now? Or do you want more? Do you want to draw nearer to God? Do you want to know for sure that He will answer your prayers? Do you want an unshakable trust in Him?
You can grow in faith that has clear applications to your everyday life.
In every Faith Driven Life course, Susan Gregory uncovers the essential keys so you can have a strong, close relationship with God. She will show you the keys for your success and how to put them into practice. And as God reveals more of Himself to your receptive heart, you will keep your soul sensitive toward Him and His ways of “out of this world living.” And your relationship will grow like never before!
When you know the truth, and commit to a faith-driven life, you will begin to practice the guaranteed principles revealed in God’s Word. You will be transformed by the renewing of your mind. You will think in a new and positive way. You will discover how to believe without doubt and without fear. You will make choices and behave in aligned ways that keep you on the path of walking in the Spirit and abiding in Christ.
That’s the glorious life that is available to every man, woman, or child who chooses a faith-driven life. And it’s available to you.